How to Message, Email, and Call Contacts through Siri?

Over the years, Apple has provided numerous useful apps, and Siri tops them all. In fact, it lets you call, mail, or text someone without even touching your phone. Want to know how? Follow the blog and text, call, or mail someone using Siri.
Set up Contact Relationship with Siri
In case you intend to set up a contact relationship with Siri, then go through the below-mentioned steps.
  • You should long-press the Power button or Home button or say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • You have to tell Siri about the relationship you would like to set up.
  • Then say or select Yes if Siri asks you to verify the relationship.
  • Thereafter, Siri will verify that the contact card’s relationship has been added.
Add Relationship Data via Contacts Application Manually
If you would like to add relationship data via contact application manually, then abide by the given steps.
  • You have to open the Contacts application on your system.
  • Alternatively, you can open Phone and then choose the Contacts button.
  • Go to the contact card.
  • You should select Edit within the upper side of the screen.
  • Move down then select the Add Related Name.
  • You have to choose a relation type.
  • Select relation you would like to use or Add Custom Label.
  • You should select an information icon near to Related Name.
  • Go to the contact.
  • You should click on the Done within the top right-hand side of the screen.
Get Contact Detail using Siri
In case you intend to get contact detail using Siri, then go through the below-mentioned steps.
  • You should long press down the Power button or Home button to activate Siri or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • You have to tell Siri contact detail you would like to see.
  • When you have several people in the contacts with a similar name, Siri will verify the one you would like to get the detail for.
Call Contact using Siri.
If you would like to call a contact using Siri, then abide by the given steps.
  • Long press Power button or Home button to activate Siri on iPhone X and newer or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • You should tell Siri about who you would like to call.
  • When you wouldn’t like to identify number you would like to, and contact has some phone numbers related to them, Siri will verify if you intend to call.
  • After receiving the command, Siri will make the call right away.
Send iMessage or an SMS using Siri.
In case you intend to send iMessage or an SMS using Siri, go through the below-mentioned steps.
  • To activate Siri by long-press the Power button or Home button or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • You have to tell Siri who to send the message. Ensure that you say the relationship or person’s name you would like to add.
  • Then tell Siri what you would like to contain within the message.
  • You should say or tap Send if Siri says to verify the message before it’s sent.
  • When you create a mistake, just say ‘Change it’ to re-dictate the message.
  • Now, when you don’t wish to send a message to everyone, just say Cancel if Siri wishes to verify.
Send an Email with Siri
If you would like to send an email with Siri, then abide by the given steps.
  • Long press the Power button or Home button to activating Siri or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • Tell Siri about you would like to send an email.
  • When a recipient has one or more email IDs on their contact card, Siri will request you that one you wish to use.
  • Go to the email and tell Siri about the subject.
  • Navigate to the email and tell Siri about the content.
  • When you are happy with email, say or tap Send to verify and send it.
Siri Look at and Play the Voicemail Message 
In case you intend to Siri look at and play the voicemail message, go through the below-mentioned steps.
  • To activate Siri by long-press the Power button or Home button or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • You should tell Siri to check the voicemails by saying anything along the lines of ‘Do I have any voicemails?
  • When you have a voicemail, Siri will show them on display.
  • Say Yes if Siri tells you when you would like to play the newest voicemail, or you should be able to tap it.
  • Also, you should be able to tell Siri to ‘Play my voicemail message.’
  • After hearing a message of voicemail, you should be able to tell ‘Call back,’ ‘Play the message again’ or ‘Play the next one.’
Check the Phone Call History with Siri
If you would like to check the phone call history with Siri, then abide by the given steps.
  • Long press the Power or Home button to activate Siri or just say ‘Hey Siri.’
  • Tell Siri to ‘Check my recent calls’ or ‘Check my call history.’
  • Siri will tell you about the most current calls, beginning with the latest, in groups of 3 at once.
  • Now, when you would like to call anyone back, just say something as ‘call Papa back.’
Harry Martin is a technology enthusiast who loves writing about new advancements and IT threats on a regular basis. Her work focuses on the latest advancements in the realm of technology, social media, and cybersecurity at


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