How to Fix the Device Manager Error Code 12?

The error code 12 is a critical error in Device Manager utility on Windows operating system. It commonly appears on the system display while the computer faces device driver problems or conflicts in system resource.
How to Fix the Device Manager Error Code 12?
The complete error might look like this: ‘Your system cannot get adequate free resources that it has to use. In case you wish to access this device, you would have to deactivate one of the devices on your computer.’
What Causes 12 Error Code?
It mostly shows up when two devices are installed on your system unintentionally, and they both are assigned to the same input or output ports. It also shows up when two installed devices use the same channel of direct memory.
This error is commonly considered to be made by the BIOS within your operating system. It can now and then be triggered due to the blending of the two devices. In addition, code 12 might also show up on your system while the BIOS fails to assign sufficient resources to the device that is causing the issue.
However, the issue is not that critical, but making delay in solving it can cause channel and inconvenience and hassle. The issues can straightly slow down the performance of your device.
More Details and Fixes for the Error 12 
The below are several of the quickest and most successful solutions that you can do on your own to fix the error code 12 on the system. In order to fix the issue, one doesn’t have to be heavily skilled in computer skills or in the technical line. This is because all you have to do is just follow our step-by-step guide mentioned in this article. 
Solution 1: Via Built-In Troubleshooter
  1. To fix the error code 12, just head to the start menu & then put in Device Manager into the search field. Then head to Device Properties. 
  2. Now press on ‘General.” 
  3. Hit on the Troubleshoot button to trigger the Troubleshooting window. 
  4. Now you will be taken through Q&A prompts, and all you have to do is give the answers accordingly.
  5. Obey all of the steps on your screen. 
  6. See if the error persists. 
Solution 2: Deactivate the Device 
By turning off the issues making device inside the Device Manager window, the system will pay no attention to that device. When the device is turned off, Your OS will no longer offer system resources to that particular device. 
  1. Head to the Device Manager. 
  2. Then go to the Device Properties, 
  3. Make a press on Driver tab from the upper menu. 
  4. Press on Disable situated on the lower of the window. 
  5. You will see a prompt saying ‘Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you wish to disable it?’ So choose Yes. 
  6. Head to OK. 
Solution 3: Restore to the Previous State
All you have to do is just follow the official guideline provided by Microsoft to restore your computer to the previous state. Your computer has some restore points that are made automatically in most devices. 
  1. Head to Start Menu by pressing the Start button. 
  2. Put in Create a restore point. 
  3. Press Enter. 
  4. Head to System Restore. 
  5. Press on Next
  6. Choose a restore point according to the listed dates. 
Harry Martin is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.


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